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Business Graduate by conventional definition, Social Sector enthusiast by accident. Trying to be Human at the moment.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


There are two kinds of suicides in this life that a human can and does commit. 

Firstly, the suicide of the physical body. Over one million people die of suicides every year. It is stated as the 13th leading cause of death worldwide. Various reasons and studies have been attributed to exploring the motivations behind ending one's own life. From childhood abuse to domestic violence to poverty to unexpected life traumas; all are said to trigger depression and negative suffering within. Suffering which gives birth to the pleasure of harming one's own physical self. A kind of painful pleasure that concludes in a suicide.

Second type of suicide is equally harmful. Often, a kind that paves way to the physical suicide. They say any destructive event does not just happen instantly. It is often backed by a series of small damages accumulated. 

This second kind of suicide is called the suicide of the soul. And just like physical suicide, various reasons can be attributed to the dying soul. We fail to nurture the soul in our good times. We fail to feed the right food to it. We deprive it from the Light it needs to shine. Thus, our soul becomes shallow and weak. 

And then, when the lightening strikes, when the things start going wrong; we are left stranded. Dumb founded. Because our soul does not have the capacity to fight. It is shallow from within. When Life starts snatching every single thing we possessed; one by one, we have nothing to fall back to. Soul, our insurance of bad times is bankrupt and unable to ventilate us. 

For years, we unknowingly take the painful pleasure of harming our soul. We deprive it of what it needs. And when it becomes empty enough; slowly and gradually harmful elements start cribbing in. Like bacteria, they install themselves silently in the confines of our empty souls. Negativity, suspicions, jealously, limited vision are the leading malignant bacteria of the soul. We deliberately give them home in our souls. Because, unknowingly, somewhere in our life, we had gotten addicted to the painful pleasure of harming our soul. 

And then, the path toward soul's suicide begins. When our body is deprived of any obsessions or a tragic event occurs; we naturally fall back on our souls. We experience our shallow souls as an addict experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Desperate to find peace, we pick up the pistol of darkening vision and shoot ourselves. We take refuge in the poisonous injection of black magic. We overdose ourselves on playing the victim. 

We deny absolutely any and every kind of Light to our soul. Possessed by the bacteria of the soul, with our own hands, we brutally and mercilessly suffocate our souls to death. We plan our soul's suicide long before we experience it. 

The first time we let ourselves deny any source of Light is the moment a bacteria of darkness is born. 

The first time we turn deaf to our conscience is the moment a loud bang of frustration is born. 

The first time we turn blind to our humanity is the moment a cloud of dark hatred engulfs our vision. 

The first time we sell our soul's inherent ability to Trust, To Believe and To Have Faith is the time we sow the first seed of soul's suicide. 

Just like the world is sceptical to openly discuss, address, cure and heal the problems of depression and anxiety in our society; exactly like that, we on an individual level are uncomfortable to address, cure and heal the problems of our soul, Both are the leading causes of untimely death. And every single one of us experience this discomfort and unease when we feed anything unhealthy to our souls. 

Be it any god of any religion, we pray for guidance, for prosperity. And when God diagnoses the problem hindering our path to prosperity and prescribes us a bitter medication through any suffering, we shun away. We refuse to take the medication for the soul and instead, get into harmful sweet tasting poisons. All throughout this process, our soul keeps screaming for Help, for Light, for Rescue. It keeps combating the negativity, the hatred we place in there.

That tiny little voice in the back of our heads tries its best to survive. For it knows, that a human is only alive if its Soul is alive. 

Pause, Hear and Reflect the voice of the Soul, for it is the only way to remain Human. 


  1. Beautiful post tanu! The Hadith "Cleanliness is half of Faith" kept coming back while reading thru this. Its not the physical cleanliness but keeping mind away from all dark thoughts, letting the Light enter and purify the soul.

  2. thanks a lot Amna.
    You'd like this one as well then - :)
