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Business Graduate by conventional definition, Social Sector enthusiast by accident. Trying to be Human at the moment.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


"One thing every human has in common is the first sound we hear. Its the heartbeat of our mother. The steady rhythm is the first connection each of us knows, not with our minds but the knowing is there in our hearts. The heart is where we find our comfort and our safety in the darkest of places. It is what binds us together and what breaks when we are apart. The heart has its on kind of magic - Love."

I literally kept the phone down and picked up this book. Struggling and racing against time, I was wondering if I'd get time to even call my mom for a minute to wish her birthday. Or better, if I'd get time to pin down my thoughts today.

And as I hung up, picking up this book, it did nothing less than of reminding me of her again.

Thank you Ma for always being there, for always being the source of Love, inspiration and undeterred sustained intense bout of positivity. You are the most unorthodox human I have ever met. May this universe be blessed by many many more like you! With each birthday of yours, my wish to grow as insanely positive as you grows. Here is to hoping that Zainab and the world grows to cherish the company of your wisdom and positivity for years to come. Amen.

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