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Business Graduate by conventional definition, Social Sector enthusiast by accident. Trying to be Human at the moment.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


When you turn to the world.
The world seeks you. Bogs you down with the shackles of expecting contact. Constant contact. You don't seem to feel the conversation over the digital.

You turn back to the real world. Books, you stare at them. They are silent. The words. You recognise the words.

You remember seeing them poured out through you.

You suddenly remember the mind. Ah the mind.

You turn your gaze and stare blankly. Your blank gaze, blinking so often as if expecting the mind to respond. Where are the words you wonder. Where are the thoughts you ponder.

As if being caught in the midst of a sudden halt om some batch processing belt, you look right, you look left.

You look at the paper. Emptiness of which makes you look back at the mind.

You stand in the middle. The only source. The sole source of ensuring the smooth processing of batches of thoughts.

You try ascertaining, is it the words not passing through the belt or is the clogging of too many thoughts to pour out.

You fear a fallout.
You fear failing.
You fear breaking the process.
You fear losing the job your mind had dutifully assigned to you.
You remember of days, you pick up crunchy papers of thoughts and thoughts.
Of the days when mind seemed to entrust you.

You pick up an old one and inhale deeply. As if asking the words to take you there.

You travel in time to the day when the Mind had chosen you. Words. Thoughts. Through me? No way. You had wondered. Pondered.

With absolute fear, complete lack of faith you had started with trembling fingers.

And once you started, you didn't stop. Like a typist in the courtroom. Tuck tuck tuck. typing as it all proceeds.

You're nothing but a mere part of the process. That little gear in any mechanical working that keeps the flow going.

That little piece in the watch that keeps the time going.

But what if the piece fails. The ticking stops. For watch, the Time halts.
For the one wearing the watch, he gets it replaced. He gets it fixed.

You are jerked back to life as you hear the batch processing restart.

And there, you see. The first words, the spurt of few words. Few thoughts. Merely coming out.

Admist all this, you stand yet in silence as your fingers tremble.

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