There is emptiness within.
To ease the emptiness, we reach out to the world.
Emptiness often is the unsaid, unknown, unheard of guiding force within causing us to reach out.
Give this emptiness any name. Any word, description, title, emotion.
When we reach out to ease it, we call it Love.
We reach out thus to humans, to pets, to children we bring in this world and to the things.
In the name of Love we reach out.
To extinguish the emptiness within.
However, in our bid to do so, we end up worshipping the lover.
We reach out to shopping. Retail therapy. Until it exhausts us.
We reach out to career. Until it exhausts us.
We reach out to political power. Until it exhauts us.
We reach out to humans. Until they exhaust us.
We turn bitter.
We expect the things and people to reciprocate the Love in the way we want them to.
We want money, power, shopping to quench our ever growing thirst the way we want it to.
It fails us.
We expect humans to reach back to us in our ever growing thirst of them in just the way we want them to.
We get frustrated.
For they fail us.
For they fail our expectations.
We do so much for them.
They. They fail to return just enough.
They reach out when they want something.
We forget.
One basic rule.
You and I.
We began reaching out for a reason.
We began loving for a reason.
Reason to quench our own emptiness within.
A reason for my own self.
When we love others for the sake of what we did for them or even for the sake of merely loving - we are inevitably worshipping them.
Case of misguided Love.
It is only when we Love for the sake of Divine that we love without returns.
Don't love like a tradesman that expects gains and returns.
Don't love like a hopeless optimist that expects good from anywhere in the world.
Love like you love your Lord.
Evolve to Love Him for He is Worthy.
Evolve to Love others for He created them worthy of Love.
Love others for His sake. Whether a loss or a gain. An emptiness filled. A reason satisifed. Reaching out thus for His sake. Loving hence for His sake.
Know where you stand know.
Know your emptiness within.
Know yourself inside.
Fill it with Your Lord.
Fall for Him first.
The illusions of failed expectations and people will dissolve.
You'd see bigger beautiful reasons to Love and Cherish.
You'd love the hated, You'd love the selfish and You'd love the love of Humans.
For you were created to Love with just one reason.
For you were created to Love for His sake, not for your sake or not even for the sake of Love. For love for the sake of love is an illusion as it runs the error of assuming no Divine.
How could there be Love without the Lover of lovers.