Somewhere in 1990s.
I wrote neighbor as nebor. My class teacher had ticked it right. I came home. Mom pointed it out and asked, I said my teacher was okay with the spelling. She didn't insist contrary to me. Instead, she met the teacher and realized where the overlook may have occurred.
That day, as I recall today, helped me sustain the believe, the trust that often we need as children to cherish and continue believing that Teachers are Magical Humans. They teach.
Somewhere in 2010. I met a Human. She stopped a friend from making fun of my 'outregiously impossible dream of becoming the CEO of Boeing'. Not her duty as part of teaching me Finance for my business degree. I wondered, why would she stop another from disrespecting my dream. Or rather today, I wonder, why would she go beyond finance to Teach us something deeper.
Somewhere in 2015. I am lucky enough to be meeting her as and when Life allows.
"Sultana, remember to always give benefit of doubt to relationships, people and situations in your life" her words were intriguing enough to bring my own chain of excited thoughts to halt. Completely.
"Benefit of doubt?" I asked.
Yes. We love placing people and situations in two categories. Good and bad.
You either place people in your good books or bad books.
If a person is in your bad books and does anything for you, no matter what, you'd always tend to judge the actions with suspicion, questioning the intentions behind the person's good act- no matter how pure.
If a person is in your good books and does something not so positive, you'd always tend to excuse the actions. You'd always give the person a benefit of doubt.
Benefit of Doubt.
There would be situations, people, relationships in your Life. Always remember to try and give each a benefit of doubt. Regardless of which book they belong to for you.
It is easier to assume and react. However, a wise mind suggests living beyond mundane, giving each situation a benefit of doubt. Excusing behaviors, attitudes. It often enables you to comprehend a situation in a wider context. Reaction is easy. Patience and benefit of doubt is wisdom.
I wondered as she concluded.
Pardon my clichéd struggle with words. But her words did radiate the energy to embrace humility as a skill imperative to survival and living beyond the mundane.
It is at school that we first learn to call an elder standing in front of us as a 'teacher'. However, during the course of our school life and beyond, we stumble across 'teachers' that help us not just think but indeed live beyond the mere living. By way of just a financial course and a business degree, they introduce us to the Wisdom and Learnings of Life, they present to us Ideas and Conversations that speak of a universe, of humans, of growth that contributes to greater evolution.
They are the reason why a degree doesn't just seem like a degree. They are the Magicians that don't just teach numbers and theories. They teach Life. They teach living. They continue interacting with our paths just and when we need them. They continue sowing seeds of Thoughts, just and when we need them.
Beautiful are these teachers that sow Humanity. Lucky are the people who have such Humans in their lives.
To all the treats, table talks, ideas, conversations, lunches and beyond - Thank you Ms Hameedah Siyani for teaching me Life. I still have that dream. CEO of Boeing. And I protect it. Thank you for teaching me how to respect and protect Dreams. Thank you for teaching me how to remain humble.
Thank you Ammi Abu for sowing the seeds of believing and valuing Teachers who define Humans.