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Business Graduate by conventional definition, Social Sector enthusiast by accident. Trying to be Human at the moment.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

We remember Him in pain more often.

*an inspired thought.

We remember Him in pain more often.

We remember Him in missing a human.
We remember Him in that vacuum. In that absence.
In that job we couldn't get.
In that wealth that couldn't be ours.
In that opportunity we just missed.
In that past we miss.
In that time we don't think would happen.

We remember Him in pain more often.
We remember Him.
In what was said to us.
In what we couldn't change.
In that regret of what we could change but didn't.
In what we didn't say.
In what we didn't do.
Or in what we did say and what we did do.
In our failures.
In our mistakes.
In our shortcomings.
In what could have been or should have been.

We remember Him in pain more often.
We remember Him helplessly and timelessly when we fall for what is beautiful, just, powerful, wealthy and  knowledgeable in this world.

We forget that these beauties, the justs, the wise, the powerful, the weathy and the knowledgeable are nothing but mere figments of who He is.

They are the 'effect' in which we helplessly surrender our hope of living the Cause.

In all of the absences,
In all of the manifestations in worldly things,
Somewhere deep down, we realize.

We realize the Realisation of Our Yearning.
Our innate yearning that rests not well with anything but the Cause.

Thus, we remember Him in pain more often.

For pain bursts open the realities of illusions and obsessions.
For pain dissolves our hope in what was just a mirage.
For pain realigns us back to what our hearts were originally seeking.

We come home, when at the end of the day, tired and helpless, we surrender back to the Yearning within.

We come home when we stop obsessing after His manifestations on earth. We come home when His manifestations on earth become a means to be with Him. We come home when we break the idols of worshipping worldly manifestations - driven by the Yearning for Him.

And pain. Pain brings us back home.

Now I know why we remember Him in pain more often. His remembrance in pain. A step closer to Him. to Home.

Friday, November 21, 2014


You have to forget your happiness to be with the world.
Just like you have to forget your troubles to be with the world.

On the pendulum from joy to suffering, each one has a share.
Each share has its own intensity and appearance.
Not each share is visible.
Joy has sufferings as much as sufferings has joys.
Each pendulum swings for each human, but not in synchronised motion.

Nobody has more.
Nobody has less.
I am as lucky as you. You are as lucky as the one next to you.
No grass is ever greener on the other side.

Our dismissal of the other's pendulum of joy and suffering as any less or any more reflects our victimised obsession with our own pendulum.

Finding another as luckier, even in heart, is committing a grave act of error against Him. For He is Just. He is the Just of the Just. So finding a grass greener is disbelieving His Justice.

Finding anyone in apparent misery and feeling sympathetic rather than empathetic is an act of error. He wants you to help a fellow being by being empathetic, not feel sorry for him. For what may seem like a misery to you, maybe a human's ultimate connection to Him. For what may seem like eternal misery for another is a mere phase of suffering.

As I sat with a friend, she said, 'Remember me in prayers.' I told her I need them too. She smiled and said well then remember me in prayers, for who knows who prays for whose prayers to be answered.

You have to forget your happiness to be with the world.
Just like you have to forget your troubles to be with the world.

On the pendulum from joy to suffering, each one has a share.
Each share has its own intensity and appearance.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I haven't been on Pilgrimage.

But I have heard from those who have that you hardly get time for God.

Amidst countless and continuous actions, requirements and precautions, you somehow somewhere seem to be more occupied with ensuring that you perform the act right.

It is how somewhere somehow you just feel you just couldn't have enough. Not yet. The yearning remains, rather so often, it intensifies.

I haven't been on the pilgrimage but I have heard so from different people.

I think I know what they mean.

Life then just seems like an extended version, rather a zoomed out version of the same pilgrimage. Wherein, often a times, you expect and yearn for the Meeting, which doesn't just quite happen fully. Doesn't just quite happen absolutely. If it does, it lasts barely a second or more.

It seems just when you step up, pleading a meeting, He sends your way, another action. Here, perform this first. Here, love humans first. Here, express gratitude to this blessing first. Here, bear patiently this suffering first. Here, love for My Love first.

Amidst what seems so material and mere performance of duties, obligations and expectations, you seem to be constantly experiencing and living each in the Hope of Final Meeting. In the hope of quenching that Yearning in you.

Through His world, He makes you feel the vacuum. The void. The Yearning. The incomplete in the complete. The slight pain in that Absolute Peace. The Missing.

Impatiently, succumbing to your ego, to your self, you run away from the Yearning.

In that each second of Missing Him, lies Him. In thaf each moment of killing the Yearning to be with His world, lies Surrendering to Him.

In the Pilgrimage, you find Him by being your best at your actions within the physical sphere of this Life.

In the Pilgrimage of Life it seems, you find Him by being your best at your actions within the Worldly sphere of this Life.

You find Him not in the satisfaction of all day worship on a prayer mat.
You find Him in the pain and joy of living the daily life.
You find Him in waiting.
You find Him in combating your self and doing what your conscience says you should against the comfortable palaces of ego, pride and arrogance.

You find Him in sacrificing what you love the most in ways unimaginable each moment.
He doesn't give for you to own, He gives for you to Love Him through what He gives you.

He lies in smiling for each joy and suffering of worldly life.

I haven't been on the pilgrimage, but I have heard so.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


It was a fine Sunday morning of Autumn.
Crispy leaves and crunchy trees.
I was walking along a pretty path when I saw a fire.
A tree nearby was on fire.
I looked around and wondered.
I thought maybe somebody had left something burning.
I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk.

Days passed.

It was a beautiful winter evening.
Cold breeze and jackets everywhere.
I was walking along the frozen lake when I saw a fire.
A car nearby was on fire.
I looked around and wondered.
Hurrying like the rest, I went to see if the car was empty.
I debated with the rest of who could have caused the fire.
I pointed to the man most suspicious in the crowd.
It was getting late.
Shrugging my shoulders, I continued to walk.

Days passed.

It was a pleasant fresh lovely morning.
Birds chirping and spring flowing
I was walking along the road when I saw a school building on fire.
Sad and dismal at the sight, I ran to try and save the people I could.
I was angry at who could have caused the fire.
I hurried to fill a bucket as my mind raced to find the culprit.
My eyes scanned the crowd as I joined the rest in blaming the school guard for negligence
Bucket of water and bucket of words was all I could to extinguish the fire.

Who did it.
Why did they do it.
How could they do it.
Why would they do it.
Why was it happening.
How could it happen.

I wondered in my utter frustration as I reached the house I called my home.
My eyes saw as my mind froze.
My house was on fire and I didn't know who had set it.

I delved into gathering buckets of water and sights of people as my mind ran to find the culprit.

Wood by wood, pillar by pillar, I saw it all turning into an ash of Nothing as I stood there wondering.

Had I known on that one fine morning of Autumn, that I had to fetch a fireman rather than stand and wonder at the tree.

Had I known on that winter evening that the car needed an extinguisher more than catching the culprit.

Had I known on that fresh lovely morning of Spring that I could save it all if only I knew the fireman.

Using my brain to call the fireman at the right time could have saved me my house.

Knowing that a fireman exists doesn't stop fires around the city. But it helps in Surrendering to the One who knows How to Extinguish the Pain.

Remembering Him is an act of mind.
Calling Him is Presence of mind.
He works through us indeed, but for that, He needs to be called. to be felt. For that, we need to surrender to the fact that He knows His ways more than us.

What was that person doing, what was that person not doing, what was that person wearing, what was that person not wearing. Why did they do this to me. Why did they do that to me. Why did they do that to them and why did they not do that to them.

In these whys and hows of finding the culprit of the fires, we forget that the Fire is an indication of calling the Fireman.

Amidst fires and nonfires of Life, we forget to use our brain to call out the Fireman.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

To Him

To Him, we are perfect.

In all our imperfections and ugliness.
Amid the bumps and wrinkles of growing age.
Amid the sufferings of moods and laughters and sorrows.
To Him, we are perfect.

In all our worldly weaknesses and shortcomings.
In all our declining looks and passerby glances.
In all our worldly compliments and our sense of self
To Him, we are perfect.

To how we see ourselves in the mirror to how the mirror is to who the mirror is.
To all the words of wisdom and thoughts of comfort.
He is the only One are perfect to.

Perhaps because He created us.
Perbaps because He is the Guardian of our secrets.
Perhaps because He witnesses our sufferings like our Sole Companion.
Perhaps because He sees us evolve from a wrinkle to another.
Perhaps because He hears the depth of unsaid to the confines of unheard.
Perhaps because He sees us struggle for his people because He said so.
Perhaps because He is the only One Perfect.

Perhaps then, He is the Only one we are perfect to. He is the Only One.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Mourning is.

Mourning is never just crying on martyrs.

As I mourn today, as countless across sects, communities and faiths and no-faiths join the mourning, mourning feels such a joy.

Mourning is never about crying that Hussain died.

Mourning is crying why Hussain died.
Mourning is not the events of the battle.
Mourning is the events that led to the battle.
Mourning is not the events of processions today.
Mourning is lack of understanding the cause.
Mourning is not the pain of a dying body.
Mourning is the pain of the dying soul.
Mourning is silence and lack of empathy.
Mourning is not lack of knowledge.
Mourning is the pain of lack of curiosity to know. To question.
Mourning is the pain of witnessing marginalisation of Hussain and philosophy to a sect, to a faith.

This mourning today liberates me of my bodily being, narrates to me the Possibility of Standing for the Right. for Truth. It indicates to me how Truth and Justice stand alone. Universally. Across Time.

As my city sinks into silence, security takes charge, people mourn to combat the rising extremism. As this armed rangers guy bows down and smiles making way for these ladies and children to enter a risk zone, I see how mourning helps combat the fear of Injustice and Oppression.

Mourning was never crying over Hussain.
Mourning was and is why he was alone.

Mourning is never crying over Zainab.
Mourning is the pain of why she saw 'Nothing but beauty'.

Mourning has taught me to combat myself within.
Mourning has taught me to decide whether I combat with words for God or for my ego.

In this world of blurred reality and skewed representation of Truth, Mourning is helplessly not knowing where I would have been in the battle.

Perhaps then, Mourning is also the only way of expressing the wish of Knowing the Truth, combating the Injustices and silences, growing beyond a faith and a sect.

Perhaps then, Mourning today is the way of attaining the Knowledge from the Kingdom of the One who created us. Pleading Him for wisdom as I continue trying to understand Hussain's message.

As I mourn today, I witness countless gathered under a single cause and bowing down to the Single God on this concrete urban road. I witness people mourning Hussain in Siraiki, Pushto, Sindhi, Dari, Urdu and English within a mete stretch of 2kms.

Mourning today is an act. An expression. An attempt. To combat the self within in order to understand. In order to realise the peace within of The Universality of this Mourning.

As injustice continues penetrating with ideological weapons and threats, countless stand and combat with nothing but presence of Mourning. Presence that cuts through the fear of absence and combats Injustice like no other.