is the naturalist of all naturals.
When I went to fill the water,
In the furor, I broke my pot.
Khusrau has given his whole life to you Oh, Nijam.
Would you please take care of my veil (or self esteem),
The road to the well is much too difficult."
There's fire in front of me.
Couple of wood stacks burning together.
I sit there, watching from a distance.
I get up, pick up a few more wood sticks and throw in there.
The fire hungrily hogs down the sticks.
I again get up, throw in a few drops of fuel.
The fire aggressively erupts. Selfishly taking in the fuel.
I go back and sit where I was sitting.
I watch.
The fire now looks bigger. Brighter. Angrier.
Somehow peaceful because its there. Its burning. It exists.
I get up again.
I pick the bucket of water. I throw it on the fire.
The fire leaps forth. Attacks. Anguished. Hurt. It burns like never before.
I throw in another bucket of water.
This time, it gets worse. In its attempt to survive, it fights.
Each flame seems to battle with thousand water droplets. It looks back, angrily. As if asking me, how could I.
It fights. It battles. It continues stubbornly while I continue stubbornly to throw water.
It plays well, with each weakening flame, it tries even harder. Even more aggressively. Until eventually it loses its battle. It dies into ashes.
And then comes the smoke. Lingering around in the air, as if still stating that it exists. As if still somehow trying to 'remain'.
Until well, even the smoke dies. And there remains no fire.
Each day, each moment, each second there is a fire within us. Our mind. Our ego. Our long stream of unstoppable thoughts that talk to us throughout the day. That tiny little voice in the brain that nobody hears except us.
Its fire. And we, succumb to its comfort. And just when we think its weakening, we give it life. We add fuel by paying attention. We add fuel by plucking the past, the future. We add fuel by doubting the Present. We add fuel. Because we have been accustomed to the fire's presence.
And just when the wonders of pure water, magic of the Present splashes water over the flame, it reacts aggressively. Painfully our thoughts, our ego fights back to ensure survival. It somehow doesn't want to admit defeat to the fact that there is nothing wrong with Here, Now.
All along, each moment, He lays before us a stream, a river, a sea of Time. of Now. He doesn't want us to find Him in past. He doesn't want us to find Him in future. Perhaps He wants us to explore His depth in the Blessings of this very moment.
All along, the Healer of healers gives us ways to Heal. While we keep focusing on the comforts of painful fire, He tries liberating us to the Joys of Now.
He liberates. we confine.
He eases the pain. we create the fire of pain.
He Heals. we still stay wounded.
He comforts. Somehow, we still find the uncomfortable fire of agony within..more comfortable.
There's fire in front of me. Of my thoughts. My ego. My past. My future fears. And I choose to extinguish it by Trusting His Present. I choose to Know Him, not through the brain that gives past and future worries
but through the yearning of the Heart seeking its own kind of brain.
There is a small vacuum, empty space in the ground right in front of me.
It is strange how it gets filled with water when it rains, only to be left empty, hollow when the sun shows up.
It gets filled with sand whenever there is sandstorm. Only to be eroded of the sand grains once the storm settles.
It gets filled up with the particles of broken autumn leaves, only to be left alone again when the winter hits.
It then gets filled up when it snows, but eventually the snow melts and it is back to being empty.
There are ants, stream of ants that tirelessly bring bits and pieces of straws to fill it up. Only to their dismay, the emptiness remains.
It feels, out of desperation of its emptiness, the vacuum just sucks into whatever comes its away.
And if nothing else comes, it remains there still, loathing its misery or failures. It remains there revisiting the autumn leaves, the snow, the water, all that once occupied it.
We are taught that this is our heart. We are taught and showed how our heart behaves in the same manner. We are taught the emptiness of the Heart that can only be filled with the Real Presence.
However, we are wrong. The Heart is not empty. The Heart does not crave filling. It is already filled. It is full and whole. It is like that smooth surface on which nothing else can settle, because there is no space for anything else.
What does look and feel like empty hole is the heart of our ego. Since childhood, we mistakenly start feeling through the heart of our ego. Since our ego is nothing but a reflection of others within us, since our ego is nothing but a mirror image of an illusion, it needs to keep telling itself that it exists. This heart of the ego hungrily then creeps for external approval, for constant presence, for company, for obsession with people, with objects. And if it doesnt get anything, it feeds unto its own miseries, past failures. Its existing pains is nothing but a reactivation of its past sufferings. It misinterprets all the tests it gets in Life. It deliberately takes those Beautiful Tests of Life and turn them into a reason of suffering and blaming its ownself or others.
Heart of our ego is like this hole on the ground.
As we are growing up, because the Real Heart is so settled, the heart of the ego gets the limelight.
We start feeling through the heart of the ego rather than think through the brain of our Heart.
The Heart so beautiful, so connected, so peaceful and so much at ease with us. We only heal when we turn back to the Real Heart within us. So complete that it has the courage of healing the world.