When we are born we are alone. So alone that we dont even remember our first glimpse of the world. Our first cry. First time we were held. We only rely on others' account of it.
When we die we are alone. So alone that we don't even remember our last breath, our last glimpse of the world. So alone that not even others' can tell us about it.
In between this birth and death, we live an illusion of life. During this illusion of life, we have several moments of births and deaths. We are constantly dying to our old selves, past habits, attitudes and most importantly our egos. We are constantly being reborn with fresher perspectives and newer paradigms. Each moment we die and each moment we are born. In one way or the way. In one form or the other.
This series of constant births and deaths within the illusion of life are connected to events, moments or experiences. Our joys. Our sorrows. Just like how Human Birth and Death are seen events of purest joy and sorrow. Just like so, these births and deaths within life are in the moments of our grestest joys and deepest sorrows.
Just like how we are alone while experiencing the Human Birth and Human Death, we are alone in experiencing our deepest joys and sorrows in the illusionary life. We die to our egoic self in a far far distant world within, away from the world. We feel the deepest sorrow of it in our loneliest moment. We are reborn next moment, we experience it in our loneliest moment. And in between these, we experience Love that we crave and yearn to share.
Despite languages and attempts, we fail at expression. In such series of deaths and births within the illusionary spectrum of life, joys and sorrows blur and become one. And the only thing that stays constant within during these births and deaths is the Cause of Life. The Only Witness. Nobody else. Not even us.