Looking at all these unread books lying in front of me, I
feel guilty. Bad. Sad and depressed for my inability to do justice to
While crossing all these beautiful libraries around, while
looking at these people completely engrossed deep down in a world so far away
of words. I wonder. I imagine. I irresistably wonder. If only all books could
be squeezed into a magical potion; that I could simply drink and know all of
what's there.
Since the last few months, I haven't been able to complete
even a single book. All these pretty titles. Each time I pick or get a new
book, I feel my heart skipping a beat. Yet another. This time, I promise I'll
start. But somehow, I don't. I don't, perhaps, because overtime, I seem to have
grown attach to books. To topics. To the whole feeling of reading and knowing
so much. The feeling has grown into this overpowering emotion that leaves you
completely overwhelmed. Just one page. It takes just one page of absolutely any
book here to get me thinking at the pace that I am unable to keep. Just like
often, we struggle to keep pace with expressing our rapidly occurring thoughts
through words. Just like so, I struggle to keep pace with my accelerating
heartbeat and ideas/opinions that start playing formula 1 within my neurons
I then feel like that sea. One of those two seas in
Palestine. The first one is fresh with fish in it. It gives life. It shares
life. It perhaps is more capable. Because it gives more. It is beautiful. It is
alive with flow. Receives and gives. And then, there is another one. Dead. No
life. Perhaps because it retains the water it receives rather than giving it
forward. It is dead with no flow. I feel like the dead one. Not because I have
no avenues to give. But because I feel I don't. So after reading a page, I
don't know how to share. what to share. Who to share it. I feel so high
according to worldly standards that I am afraid of being labelled crazy. And
hence, I curb it. I curb myself by not reading. By not picking up another
Here. I said it. I haven't been reading much. Maybe someday,
I'd be successfully able to reach that second page of any of these beautiful
titles lying in front of me. Gracefully, maybe then, someday, I'll absorb each
word and feeling behind each word so well. Maybe then, I'd also patiently sit
and feel secure. Among all these books. The day, when I wouldn't need to
struggle to keep up with my need to express what I have just learnt. I'd just
sit and watch while the aura of literary sphere help me transfuse to the
Until then, I sit here. With my books. Some of them the best
of the best titles. Life changing ones. I sit with them, inhaling deeply their
smell. Wishing that I was worthy of reading and sharing in real time.