It is strange how the world is turning into a global village. With ever growing stronger communication systems and sophesticated connections, no city ever seems distant. No culture ever seems strange.
Having said so, the charms of meeting a city face to face yet remains. Its fascinating how each mundane road - which is otherwise taken by many of its inhabitants on daily basis seems so different to its new visitors.
Standing here in the capital of Worldly Time, while the world drives by at its speed, the globe rotates its axis. London greets. Stubborn to international aggressive architectural evolution, secure in sticking to bearing resemblance to its 1970s literary descriptions. Amid all this, gazing into its charms, you're left wondering. How does it manage to absorb so many cultures, people, faith, religions.
I am awestruck. Not just by its maturity and natural wonders, but also with its remarkable beauty of religious, civic and cultural tolerance.
It still has roads which people trust. It still has instructions which people follow.