They say, everything in the universe communicates. Every entity has an inherent need to express. In some species, the need is higher than in the rest. Humans, compelled by their need to express, created languages.
7 billion of us today, collectively speak 6,800 languages on this 4.54 billion years old planet Earth.
As much as there is a need for humans to express themselves; the souls within are the greatest listeners too. Mostly, not to the 6,800 languages spoken in the world today. But, to the unspoken master expressions of the universe and its entities.
En route soul searching, one is bound to stumble across a nature's language that speaks out the heart and soul of the person. Many souls feel themselves talking to the rain, while many warm up to the sunshine. Then there are those who look up and wink at the stars; while some of us are still lost trying to find the language of our soul in the worldly affairs.
In the midst of all, one of the most powerful languages is the language of a musical instrument. From guitar to drum to piano to flute sitar and tabla. All seem to be expressing emotions in different languages.
Such is the conversation often reflected beautifully when tabla and sitar interact. They talk. They mingle. Often a times, relentlessly. And at some waves, overpowering each other with their constant conversation, they stimulate an aura. They trigger the sensations and generate a conversation. They speak to the Soul. They let your thoughts dance; while carving creativity through conflict.
Their intensity of interaction can often a times is misinterpreted as their conflict to rule over each other. Yet, their peaceful notes reflect the most harmonious message in an unspoken manner. Sitar weaves patterns of complicated thoughts, as if, taking a thread of idea here, mingling it with a thread of idea there, and entangling the thoughts in a knot. The tabla either intensifies or calms the process. The sitar respectfully quiets out, letting the tabla take charge while it patiently waits to impatiently intervene and weave the pattern together.
We all express in different ways, resulting in 7 billion different languages in the world. From shooting a man to sharing a drink, all are languages of thought expression.
Our thoughts often, find themselves entangled into another human's pattern of thoughts and ideas; giving birth to what we call a Conflict.
When sitar and tabla can peacefully co-exist; when every entity in the universe while expressing itself in its language can perfectly exist in the realms of Universe;
Then, why can't 7 billion talking in 7 billion languages of expression and 6,800 literal languages learn to peacefully co-exist while retaining their own unique language.